Friday, January 13, 2012

First week of school

So we have finally settled in to our new place in Idaho Falls. It took us awhile, but it now feels like home. Trevor and I are are getting used to our new ward. The ward members are so friendly and welcoming. I just love the women in the ward!

I started the nursing program at ISU this week, and I must say I'm a bit overwhelmed. Everyone is making me so nervous. In the program if you get below a 75% in any class you can't progress to the next semester. Even though I have NEVER gotten a C before I am still worried about what if I do. Everyone has me so worried and nervous. I'm sure I'll do great. So good luck to me for the next 2 1/2 years. Don't try to contact me because I'll be studying (haha who am I kidding).

In the meantime, Trevor is just working his booty off for the family. I am so thankful for him, and how hard he works to bring home the bacon. He is off track this semester, so he'll be trying to get full time hours. I don't know when we will ever see each other, but I guess that's why we have date night.


  1. thanks for the update! i was so excited to read it.
    i'm glad everything is going well for you guys. i've been thinking about you a lot! we went to a sealing in if saturday and wanted to stop by, but jordan's family was in town so we didn't have a lot of time.
    we miss you! and hopefully you won't have too much studying to do next time we are in idaho falls so we can stop by to see you!
    good luck with your classes! and don't stress about the grade, you know you are way too smart to even worry! :)

  2. So you are either finished or just finishing your first semester of nursing school right now and you are probably stressed to the max. Right? But I know that you are doing well and finishing strong despite the stress, because you are one smart cookie. Really. Just so you know I have always been impressed with your intelligence and ability to understand new ideas and concepts. So good luck on finals and you can be my nurse ANY day!
